Fujitsu Ltd. | 論文
- Wideband Double-Directional Channel Measurements in a Small-Urban Macrocell at 4.5GHz
- B-1-38 Identification of Far Clusters in an Urban Residential Macrocellular Environment
- Performance Evaluation for RF-Combining Diversity Antenna Configured with Variable Capacitors(Advanced RF Technologies for Compact Wireless Equipment and Mobile Phones)
- B-1-233 Verification of Kronecker MIMO Channel Model in a NLOS Macrocellular Environment
- An Adaptive Impedance Matching System for Mobile Communication Terminals (移動通信ワークショップ)
- Fabrication and Delay Time Analysis of Deep Submicron CMOS Devices
- Ti Salicide Process for Subquarter-Micron CMOS Devices (Special Issue on Quarter Micron Si Device and Process Technologies)
- ナノスケールでの結晶構造・電子状態解析へ向けて
- Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxial Growth for High Electron Mobility Transistor LSIs
- Large-Area MOVPE Growth of AlGaAs/GaAs Heterostructures for HEMT LSIs
- MOVPE Growth of AlGaAs /GaAs Heterostructures for HEMT LSI
- Advanced MMIC Receiver for 94-GHz Band Passive Millimeter-Wave Imager
- Reduction Optimal Trinomials for Efficient Software Implementation of the ηT Pairing
- Depth Profile of Various Bonding Configration of Nitrogen Atoms in Silicon Oxynitrides formed by Plasma Nitridation
- 29aPS-4 収束電子回折法による Sr_3Ru_2O_7 の空間群決定
- 29aPS-4 収束電子回折法による Sr_3Ru_2O_7 の空間群決定
- 収束電子回折法による局所歪み測定法の研究
- 収束電子回折法によるh-BaTio_3中間相の構造解析および並列処理の適用
- 収束電子回折法によるパイロクロア酸化物Cd_2Re_2O_7の構造相転移の研究
- 18pTH-4 コヒーレント収束電子回折法による空間群I23とI2_13の判別