Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University | 論文
- Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of hcp Gd-Th Alloys
- ナイジェリア, クロス河流域の玄武岩石像群の表面劣化に及ぼす微生物の影響
- Fractal Aspects of the Ferroelectric Domain Structures in KH_2PO_4 Crystal
- A Simulation of Driven Reconnection by a High Precision MHD Code
- New Numerical Method for Solving Eigenvalue Problems Described by Coupled Second-Order Differential Equations
- Numerical Analysis of Current-Driven Drift-Wave Instability in a Finite-β Plasma
- A New Numerical Integration Scheme of Very High Order and A-Stable
- The Effect of Ambipolar Field for the Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Sheet Plasmas
- Characteristic Oscillations in Sheet Plasmas
- Numerical Study of RF-Plugging of Plasma Particles in a Line-Cusp Magnetic Field
- Sideband Instabilities of a Large-Amplitude Whistler Wave Due to Phase-Bunching of Resonant Particles with Small Perpendicular Velocities
- Dynamics of Fe Cations in Nafion Membranes Studied by Nuclear Resonant Quasielastic Scattering of Synchrotron Radiation : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Nuclear Excitation of ^Fe Ions in Hydrochloric Acid Solution Using Synchrotron Radiation
- Electrical and Magnetic properties of Eu_xYb_Alloy
- Thermal Expansion Anomaly of Eu_xYb_ Alloy
- Pressure Dependence of the Magnetic Interactions in Eu_xYb_Alloy
- Magnetic Transition from the Ferromagnetic to Spin Glass Like State in Eu_xYb_Alloy
- Morphological diversity of the microbial population in a vestimentiferan tubeworm
- A Transformation from Crystalline to Amorphous State Observed in the Ferroelectric Phase of LiH_3(SeO_3)_2
- Magnetic Anisotropy in the Binary Alloys of Gd with the Other Heavy Rare Earth Metals