Faculty Of Engineering Yamagata University | 論文
- Flexural Wave Propagation in a Thin Plate with Circular Holes
- Design of an Acoustical Imaging Operator Based on the Singular Value Decomposition Method
- Acoustical Imaging Using M-sequence Encoding Array Transducer : SAW and Communication Devices
- Dynamical Stress Concentration due to Flexural Waves in Bars with Various Bends
- Polarized Infrared Absorption in CdI_2:CN^- Crystals
- Polarized Infrared Absorption in CdI_2 : CN^- Crystals
- Thermal Expansion in Chromium Chalcogenides Cr_2X_3 (X=Se, Te)
- Preparation of Fe_3O_4 Thin Films by a Chemical Bath Technique
- An Analysis on the Driving Force and Optimum Frequency of a Noncontact-Type Ultrasonic Motor
- A Method of NC Gear Cutting with Simply Shaped Tool : Application to Worm Wheel Cutting : Series C : Vibration, Control Engineering, Engineering for Industry
- Unequivalent conversion in processing of literature data incorporated in systms for estimation of aqueous solubility organic compounds.
- A Simple Method of Bevel Gear Cutting : 2nd Report, Crowning Method
- A Simple Method of Bevel Gear Cutting : 1st Report, The Basic Conception of the Cutting Method
- Seasonal Thermal Storage in Aquifer for Utilization
- Experimental and Theoretical Two-Dimensional X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction Patterns from GaAs(001) Surface
- Direct Atomic Site Determination of Foreign Atoms in a Crystal Surface Layer by X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction
- Estimation of Surface Crystal Regularity by Utilizing X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction (XPED) Effects
- Quantitative XPS Measurement on the Surfaces of GaP, GaSb and ZnSe Single Crystals
- Quantitative X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopic (XPS) Measurement on the Surfaces of GaAs(111), (111) and (110) Single Crystals : Determination of Relative Photo-Auger Ionization Cross Sections and Electron Mean Free Paths by Using the Crystal Regularity o
- Angular Denendence of XPS Intensities from GaAs (110) Surface : PHOTOEMISSION (MAINLY UPS AND XPS)