Faculty Of Engineering Yamagata University | 論文
- Ultrasonic Transducer Composed of Two Piezoelectric Layers with Variable Weighting : Ultrasonic Transduction
- A Method of Measuring the Vibration Level Dependence of Impedance-Type Equivalent Circuit Constants : Ultrasonic Transduction
- Surface Resistance of Bi_2Sr_2Ca_1Cu_2O_y Strip Lines Made from Green Sheet
- Construction of a Low-Frequency Flat-Type Vibratory Gyroscope Using the Combination of H-Type and 3-Arm-Type Vibrators
- Construction of a New Flat Force Sensor Using the Resonant Frequency Shift by Axial Force
- Construction of a New-Type Tuning Fork Vibratory Gyroscope Using a Single Resonance Mode
- Temperature Dependence of the Surface Resistance of a Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Whisker Measured by the Probe-Coupled Microstrip Resonator Method : Superconductors
- Axisymmetric Vibrations of Thin Shells of Revolution
- Transverse Vibration of a Circular Plate on an Eccentric Annular Elastic Support
- Vibrations and Bucklings of a Circular Plate with Various Constraints on Its Annular Circle
- Shape Characteristics of a Magnetic Damper Consisting of a Rectangular Magnetic Flux and a Rectangular Conductor
- A Study on the Torsional Dynamic Vibration Absorber Consisting of Rare-earth Magnets
- Flexural Wave Propagation in a Plate with Circular Holes
- Flexural Vibrations in an Infinite Thick Plate with a Circular Hole to Dynamical Loads at the Hole
- Transverse Vibration and Wave Propagation in an Infinite Thin Elastic Plate with Circular Inclusions : 2nd Report, Cases of a Plate Having Many Circular Elastic Inclusions
- Dynamic Stress Concentrations Due to Flexural Waves in Bars with Various Bends : 2nd Report, Solutions of Bars Excited in Arbitrary Directions
- C-8-14 Single-fed Superconducting Circularly Polarized Patch Array Antenna at 12GHz for DBS System
- Vibration Control for a Beam Structure Using an Electromagnetic Damper with Velocity Feedback : 2nd Report, Shock Response
- Vibration Control for a Beam Structure Using an Electromagnetic Damper with Velocity Feedback : 1st Report, Forced Vibration Response
- Nonlinear Vibrations of a Beam with a Mass Subjected to Alternating Electromagnetic Force