Department of Food and Nutrition, Okayama Prefectural Junior College | 論文
- 糖尿病患者の食事内容と血漿及び赤血球膜脂肪酸組成との関連性
- 血液透析患者の血漿リゾリン脂質濃度と脂質栄養状態
- Purification and Characterization of α-Keto Ester Reductases from Bakers' Yeast
- Differences in Protein Structure and Similarities in Catalytic Function of Two L-Stereoselective Carbonyl Reductases from Bakers' Yeast
- An Isozyme of Earthworm Serine Proteases Acts on Hydrolysis of Triacylglycerol
- Damage to Cultivated Japanese Pearl Oysters by Oxidative Stress That Was Related to "Mass Mortality"(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Comparison of Acylated Plant Pigments : Light-resistance and Radical-scavenging Ability(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Further Stabilization of Earthworm Serine Protease by Chemical Modification and Immobilization(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Enzyme-catalyzed Acylation of Plant Polyphenols for Interpretation of Their Functions
- Purification and Characterization of Two α-Keto Ester Reductases from Streptomyces thermocyaneoviolaceus IFO 14271(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- Stereocontrolled Reduction of α-and β-Keto Esters with Micro Green Algae, Chlorella Strains
- 中年女性の骨粗鬆症予防への取り組み : 4年間の骨粗鬆症健康教育を通じて
- 農山村における中高年女性の食スタイルとライフスタイル
- 農山村における中高年女性の栄養素等摂取と健康状況
- 肝障害ラットにおける15N-L-ロイシンと15N-L-バリン投与後の血漿,骨格筋および脳遊離アミノ酸濃度と15N量
- 農山村における中高年女性のライフスタイルと栄養状態
- 肝障害時における15Nを用いたロイシンとバリン代謝の比較的検討
- Likelihood estimation of soft-core interaction potentials for Gibbsian point patterns
- 4塩化炭素肝障害ラットにおける15N-ロイシン代謝に及ぼすバリンの影響
- 米飯摂取からみた食事構造