Stereocontrolled Reduction of α-and β-Keto Esters with Micro Green Algae, Chlorella Strains
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The stereocontrolled reduction of α-and β-keto esters using micro green algae was accomplished by a combination of the cultivation method and the introduction of an additive. The reduction of ethyl pyruvate and ethyl benzoylformate by the photoautotrophically cultivated Chlorella sorokiniana gave the corresponding alcohol in high e.e. (>99% e.e. (S) and >99% e.e. (R), respectively). In the presence of glucose as an additive, the reduction of ethyl 3-methyl-2-oxobutanoate by the heterotrophically cultivated C. sorokiniana afforded the corresponding (R)-alcohol. On the other hand, the reduction in the presence of ethyl propionate gave the (S)-alcohol. Ethyl 2-methyl-3-oxobutanoate was reduced in the presence of glycerol by the photoautotrophically cultivated C. sorokiniana or the heterotrophically cultivated C. sorokiniana to the corresponding syn-(2R, 3S)-hydroxy ester with high diastereo-and enantiomeric excess (e.e.). Some additives altered the stereochemical course in the reduction of α-and β-keto esters.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2000-10-23
中島 伸佳
Graduate School Of Health And Welfare Okayama Prefectural University
中島 伸佳
中島 伸佳
NAKAJIMA Nobuyoshi
Department of Nutritional Science, Okayama Prefectural University
Department of Chemistry, Kyoto University of Education
Department of Applied Science, Okayama University of Science
Hamada H
National Institute Of Fitness And Sports In Kanoya
Ishihara K
Dep. Of Life Sci. Okayama Univ. Of Sci. 1-1 Ridai-cho Kita-ku Okayama 700-0005 Jpn
Nakajima Nobuyoshi
Graduate School Of Health And Welfare Okayama Prefectural University
Nakajima Nobuyoshi
Department Of Nutritional Science Faculty Of Health And Welfare Okayama Prefectural University
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
Department of Chemistry, Kyoto University of Education
Hamada Hiroki
Materials And Devices Development Center Bu Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
Yamaguchi H
Research And Development Center Nagase & Co. Ltd.
Adachi Noriko
Department Of Chemistry Kyoto University Of Education
Hamada Hiroki
Department Of Applied Sci. Okayama University Of Science
Nakajima Nobuyoshi
Department of Food and Nutrition, Okayama Prefectural Junior College
Department of Applied Sci. , Okayama University of Science
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