Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Tokyo | 論文
- Behavior of Thin Arc Plasma in a Self-Crowbar Air Gap
- Spindle-Cusp Confinement Properties of Laser-Produced Plasma in a Low-Beta Regime
- Sheath Potential Generated by a Relativistic Electron Beam
- Propagation Modes in Millimeter-Wave Solid-State Plasma Waveguide
- Correlation of Spontaneous Magnetic Fiels with Net Energy Absorbed in Laser-Plasmas Produced from Thin Film Target
- A Novel TRM Calculation Method by Probabilistic Concept (特集:平成16年〔電気学会〕電力・エネルギー部門大会)
- Ferromagnetic Resonance in a Ferromagnetic Heusler Alloy Co_2TiAl
- Studies on Trapping of Laser-Produced Plasma by SL-1 Surmac
- Computer Method for New Elliptical Abel Inversion Applied to Holographic Plasma Diagnostics
- A Novel Technique for Improving Compressed Image by Mapping a Reference Image
- Theoretical Examination of Quasi-Charge-Neutrality in Surface-Density Helical Waves in Solids and Direct Observation of Wave Structure by Schottky-Probe
- Schottky Probe as a Diagnostic Tool for Dynamic Solid-Plasma Phenomena
- Color Indexing by Weighted Cumulative Angular Distance (映像メディア処理と一般--映像コンテンツの製作編集)
- ショット特徴を用いたホームビデオ要約
- 23-1 Cumulative Angular distance measure and its improvement for color indexing
- ロバスト異方性領域成長による2段階画像セグメンテーション
- D-12-71 Shot importance based for home video summarization
- D-12-7 Shot-adaptive sampling for video summarization
- Name Management Algorithm for Consistency Control
- Brillouin-Backscattering from Plasma Produced by a Long CO_2-Laser Pulse