Propagation Modes in Millimeter-Wave Solid-State Plasma Waveguide
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1974-12-05
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Tokyo
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Research Science, Ak
Obunai Tetsuo
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo:(present Address)dep
Obunai Tetsuo
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering And Research Science Akit
Sekiguchi Tadashi
Department Of Electrical Eng. University Of Tokyo
Sekiguchi Tadashi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering University Of Tokyo
- Filling a Double-Cusp Magnetic Container with Plasmas Produced by a Long-Pulse CO_2-Laser and Its Confinement Properties
- Behavior of Plasma Produced by a Long CO_2-Laser Pulse in a Spindle-Cusp
- Experimetal Studies of CO_2 Gas-Dynamic Laser by Means of a Shock Tube
- Nonreciprocal Propagation Characteristics of 526 GHz Submillimeter-Wave in Transversely Magnetized Two-Layer Parallel-Plate Waveguide Containing p-InSb Slab
- Effect of Dielectric Slab on Millimeter Wave Propagation in Solid-State Plasma Waveguide
- Possibility of Submillimeter Slow Surface Wave Resonance in a Two-Layer Parallel-Plate Waveguide Containing n-Type or p-Type InSb Slab
- Seventy GHz Slow Surface Wave Propagation in a Waveguide Containing Transversely Magnetized p-Type and n-Type InSb Slabs
- Experimental Studies on 70 GHz Slow Surface Wave Propagation in Transversely Magnetized Partially Filled Ring-Form Solid-Plasma Waveguide
- Computational and Experimental Studies on Spontaneous Magnetic Field Generation Associated with Laser-Produced Plasmas in Vacuum
- Dependence of the Output Power of CO_2 Gas-Dynamic Laser on the Distance from Nozzle Throat