A Novel TRM Calculation Method by Probabilistic Concept (特集:平成16年〔電気学会〕電力・エネルギー部門大会)
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In a new competitive environment, it becomes possible for the third party to access a transmission facility. From this structure, to efficiently manage the utilization of the transmission network, a new definition about Available Transfer Capability (ATC) has been proposed. According to the North American ElectricReliability Council (NERC)’s definition, ATC depends on several parameters, i. e. Total Transfer Capability (TTC), Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM), and Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM). This paper is focused on the calculation of TRM which is one of the security margin reserved for any uncertainty of system conditions. The TRM calculation by probabilistic method is proposed in this paper. Based on the modeling of load forecast error and error in transmission line limitation, various cases of transmission transfer capability and its related probabilistic nature can be calculated. By consideration of the proposed concept of risk analysis, the appropriate required amount of TRM can be obtained. The objective of this research is to provide realistic information on the actual ability of the network which may be an alternative choice for system operators to make an appropriate decision in the competitive market. The advantages of the proposed method are illustrated by application to the IEEJ-WEST10 model system.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
- 2004-12-01
Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc.
Nakachi Yoshiki
Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc.
VERMA Suresh
Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc.
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Tokyo
Yokoyama Akihiko
Department Of Advanced Energy School Of Frontier Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Audomvongseree K
Univ. Tokyo
Yokoyama Akihiko
Department Of Electrical Engineering University Of Tokyo
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