Department of Electrical Engineering, National Central University | 論文
- Dual-gate E/E and E/D-mode AlGaAs/InGaAs pHEMT for microwave power applications(Session 5 Compound Semiconductor Devices II,AWAD2006)
- Dual-gate E/E and E/D-mode AlGaAs/InGaAs pHEMT for microwave power applications(Session 5 Compound Semiconductor Devices II,AWAD2006)
- Effects of N_2O-Plasma Treatment of a-SiO_xN_y/a-SiN_x Gate Insulators on Electrical Stability of a-Si:H Thin-Film Transistors
- Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide P-I-N Thin-Film Light-Emitting Diodes with Barrier Layers Inserted at P-I Interface
- Laser-Induced Activation of p-Type GaN with the Second Harmonics of a Nd:YAG Laser
- The Analysis of the Floating Field Limiting Ring and Field Plate(Session6: Power Devices)
- The Analysis of the Floating Field Limiting Ring and Field Plate(Session6: Power Devices)
- Very low voltage operation of p-Si/Al_2O_3/HfO_2/TiO_2/Al_2O_3/Pt single quantum well flash memory devices with good retention
- Effects of Dielectrics on the Characteristics of Large-Area Silicon Microstrip Sensors
- Multi-Gigabit Pre-Emphasis Design and Analysis for Serial Link(Electronic Circuits)
- Double Graded-Gap a-SiC:H P-I-N Thin-Film LED with Composition-Graded N-Layer and Carbon-Increasing P-Layer
- Room-Temperature Operation of In_Ga_As Quantum Dot Lasers Grown on Misoriented GaAs Substrates by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Photoluminescence Characteristics of Self-Assembled In_Ga_As Quantum Dots on Vicinal GaAs Substrates
- Correlation of Photoreflectance Spectra with Performance of GaInP/GaAs Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors : Semiconductors
- The GaN based HEMT and Schottky diode with filed plate technology for DC/DC converter
- A Novel HBT with Composite Collector for Power Amplifier Application
- A Size-Dependent Equivalent-Circuit Model of High Performance Near-Ballistic-Transport Photodiode
- A Bias-Dependent Equivalent-Circuit Model of High Performance Evanescently Coupled Photodiode with Partially P-Doped Absorption Layer
- Electrically-driven Spontaneous Emission Spectrum of a Single Quantum Dot(Condensed Matter : Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- Channel Assignment Based Call Admission Control in a Multi-Chip Rate CDMA Cellular System(Special Issue on Mobile Multimedia Communications)