Department of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto University | 論文
- Effect of External pH on the Cytoplasmic and Vacuolar pHs in Mung Bean Root-Tip Cells : A ^P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study
- Transverse Magnetophonon Resonance in p-Te in High Pulsed Magnetic Fields
- Magnetic Properties of Cr_Fe_xGe
- Effect of B-Ions Substitution in [(K_Bi_)-(Na_Bi_)](Ti-B)O_3 System with B=Zr, Fe_Nb_, Zn_Nb_ or Mg_Nb_
- Phenomenological Theory of Semiconductor Epitaxial Growth with Misfit-Dislocations
- 四元混晶カルコゲナイド系の電子構造に関する理論研究
- Direct screening of the IMP-1 metallo-β-lactamase gene (bla_IMP) from urine samples by polymerase chain reaction
- Contactless Measurement of Short Carrier Lifetime in Heat-Treated N-Types Silicon
- Biochemical and Immunological Characterization of Ribosomal Fraction and Culture Filtrate from Mycobacterium
- Gene Encoding a Putative Zinc Finger Protein in Synechocystis PCC6803(Biological Chemistry)
- Development of a Simple Non-Freezing Method to Preserve Cultured Plant Cells
- Permeability of the Nitella internodal cell to organic substances as measured by the double chamber method
- Pn-AMP1, a Plant Defense Protein, Induces Actin Depolarization in Yeasts
- Gastrointestinal follicular lymphoma: review of the literature.
- Molecular Cloning and Characterization of S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine : Scoulerine-9-O-Methyltransferase from Cultured Cells of Coptis japonica : GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION : PROTEINS, ENZYMES AND METABOLISM
- Analysis of Nucleoid-Proteins in Tobacco Chloroplasts
- Pyogenic Spondylitis in an S1-S2 Immobile Segment
- IV B14 Epilepsy surgery in dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor
- Fossil woods from Janggi Group (Early Miocene) in Pohang Basin, Korea
- Ascorbate Oxidase in Cucumber Calli and Enhancement of Enzyme Activity by Copper Sulfate