Department of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto University | 論文
- Erythropoietin Prevention Trial of Coronary Restenosis and Cardiac Remodeling After ST-Elevated Acute Myocardial Infarction (EPOC-AMI) : A Pilot, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study
- Influence of previous myocardial infarction site on in-hospital outcome after primary percutaneous coronary intervention for repeat myocardial infarction
- Long-Term Survival After Resection of Metachronous Bilateral Adrenal Metastases of Mucinous Gastric Carcinoma : Report of a Case
- ^Tc-MIBI accumulation in the parathyroid autograft in a patient with recurrent hyperparathyroidism
- Effect of Osmotic Stress on Turgor Pressure in Mung Bean Root Cells
- Role of K^+ and Cl^- in Osmotic Adjustment in Roots and Hypocotyls of Intact Mung Bean Seedlings
- Uncoupling Mechanism of Glycoside Antibiotic Aculeximycin in Isolated Rat-Liver Mitochondria
- Uncoupling Action of Antibiotic Sporaviridins with Rat-liver Mitochondria
- Effects of Renin-Angiotensin System Inhibitors on the Occurrence of Acute Kidney Injury Following Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
- Degeneracy Ratios and Impurity Levels of Vanadium in n-Type Silicon by Hall Measurement
- Callus induction in tobacco, pea, rice and barley plants by auxins and their analogues
- Non-radioactive Adenosine 5'-Phosphosulfate Sulfotransferase Assay by Coupling with Sulfite Reductase and O-Aietylserine(thiol)lyase
- Lipoxygenase, Hydroperoxide Lyase and Volatile C_6-Aldehyde Formation from C_-Fatty Acids during Development of Phaseolus vulgaris L.
- A New Staining Method for Lyases Catalyzing Cleavage of a C-S Bond in Sulfur-containing Compounds after Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
- Torsional Actuators Using LiNbO_3 Plates with an Inversion Layer
- Time dependent Effect of Magnetic and Magneto-Optical Properties in Cd_
- Spin Freezing in High Mn Concentrated Cd_Mn_xTe System
- Temperature Dependence of Hall Factor in Low-Compensated n-Type Silicon
- Application of ^K NMR Spectroscopy to Potassium Transport in Mung Bean Root Tips
- Magnetic Phase Diagram of Cr_Mn_xGe