Department of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty of Agriculture Kyoto University | 論文
- Microbial Production of Theobromine from Caffeine
- Pressure and Viscosity Effects on Thermal Geometrical Isomerization of Oxacarbocyanine Cations
- The First Unequivocal Observation of Dynamic Solvent Effects in the Thermal Geometrical Isomerization of 3, 3' - Diethyloxadicarbocyanine Iodide (DODCI)
- Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy Analysis of an Anatase Epitaxial Film Grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition : Surfaces, Interfaces, and Films
- ^P-NMR Study of the Physiological Conditions in Intact Root Cells of Mung Bean Seedling under Low-Temperature Stress : ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS RESPONSES
- Changes in the Cytoplasmic and Vacuolar pH in Intact Cells of Mung Bean Root-Tips under High-NaCl Stress at Different External Concentrations of Ca^ Ions : ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS RESPONSES
- Stimulation of the Extrusion of Protons and H^+-ATPase Activities with the Decline in Pyrophosphatase Activity of the Tonoplast in Intact Mung Bean Roots under High-NaCl Stress and Its Relation to External Levels of Ca^ Ions
- Protective Effect of External Ca^ on Elongation and the Intracellular Concentration of K^+ in Intact Mung Bean Roots under High NaCl Stress
- Whole-cell Enzyme Electrodes Based on Mediated Bioelectrocatalysis
- Strict Glycemic Control Ameliorates the Increase of Carotid IMT in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
- Inhibition of Human 5-Lipoxygenase by 3-Nitro-2,4,6-trihydroxybenzamide Derivatives(Biological Chemistry)
- Structure-Activity Relationship of 3-Nitro-2,4,6-trihydroxybenzamide Derivatives in Photosynthetic Electron Transport Inhibition(Pesticide Chemistry)
- Photosynthetic Electron Transport Inhibition by 3-Acyl-2, 4, 6-trihydroxybenzamide Derivatives(Organic Chemistry)
- Leydig Insulin-like hormone(INSL3)遺伝子のAla/Thr60多型は両側停留精巣患児群と日本人正常群で頻度差を認めない
- Purification and Characterization of Methanol Dehydrogenase of a Serine-Producing Methylotroph, Hyphomicrobium methylovorum
- Threonine Production from Glycine and Ethanol by a Methanol-Utilizing Bacterium
- Synthesis of D-Cysteine from a Racemate of 3-Chloroalanine by Phenylhydrazine-treated Cells of Pseudomonas putida CR 1-1
- Identification of Reaction Products of Polyethylene Glycol Dehydrogenase
- Cofactor Requirements of Constitutive Aromatic L-AminoAcid Decarboxylase from Micrococcus percitreus
- Effect of Intracellular Concentration of Vitamin B6 on Tryptophanase Activity in Escherichia coli