Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Saitama University | 論文
- Magnetic Field Effects on Transport Properties of a Quantum Dot Studied by Modified Perturbation Theory
- Optical conductivity of Ce-based filled skutterudites
- 1/N and Quantum Monte Carlo Studies of a Magnetic Impurity in an Insulator with a Small Gap
- Investigation of the two-particle-self-consistent theory for the single-impurity Anderson model and an extension to the case of strong correlation
- Periodic Coexistence of Superconductivity with Magnetic Order
- Anomalous Metal-Insulator Transition in Filled Skutterudite CeOs_4Sb_
- The Influence of the Singularity-Enhanced Density of States on the Isotope Effect in a Bond Asymmetric Model for a Cu-O Based High-T_C Superconductor : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Quantum Monte Carlo Simulation of One-Dimensional Periodic Anderson Model
- Scattering Mechanisms in Heavily Doped Semiconductors. II. Effect of Mass Anisotropy and Multiple Scattering
- Numerical Simulation of the Dynamical Conductivity of One-Dimensional Disordered Systems by MacKinnon's Method
- Three-Dimensional Quartic Oscillators for the Study of Mode Fluctuation Distribution : General Physics
- Mode Fluctuation Distribution of Coupled Quartic Oscillators Using Diagonalization of Truncated Sparse Matrix of Hamitonian
- Temperarure Dependence of Magneto-Electric Effect Observed by Rotating the Magnetic Field in the a-c Plane of Magnetite (Fe_3O_4) at about 10 K
- Magnetocrystalline Anisotropy of Low Temperature Phase of Magnetite
- Crystal Symmetry of Magnetite in Low Temperature Phase Deduced from Magnetoelectric Measurements
- Effect of the Magnon and Stoner Excitations on the Renormalization of the Stoner Gap in the Parabolic Band Model
- The Shielding Effect of the Meissner Current on the Magnetic Dipole Interactions in the Coexistence State of Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism. II : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Role of Commensurability Energy in Impurity Pinning of One-Dimensional Charge Density Waves
- Quantum Fluctuation of Pinned Charge Density Waves vs Superconducting Fluctuation in One-Dimensional Conductors