Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Saitama University | 論文
- Quantum Monte Carlo Study on Impurity Pinning in One-Dimensional Interacting Electron Systems-Competition between Charge Density and Superconducting Fluctuations-
- The Impurity Pinning of a Spin-Density Wave in One-Dimensional Interacting Electron Systems
- Formation Mechanism of Hybridization Gap in Kondo Insulators based on a Realistic Band Model and Application to YbB_
- ^C and ^1H NMR Relaxation of Chloroform in a Nematic Liquid Crystal.II. : Dynamical Behavior of the Small Probe Molecule
- Scattering Mechanism in Heavily Doped Semiconductors. I. Maxima in Resistivity and Hall Coefficient
- Magnetic Impurity in Insulators with Small Energy Gap
- Variational and Self-Consistent Perturbational Theories for Generalized Kondo Systems
- Magnetic-Field-induced Antiferromagnetism in Two-dimensional Hubbard Model : Analysis of CeRhIn_5(Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties)
- ^C and ^1H NMR Relaxation of Chloroform Dissolved in a Nematic Liquid Crystal.: I. Cross Correlation between Intramolecular and Intermolecular Dipole-Dipole Interactions
- Magnetization Curve of the Infinite-Dimensional Hubbard Model
- Order Parameters and Distribution in the Smectic Layer of Probe Molecules Dissolved in Ferroelectric Liquid Crystalline Mixtures(Condensed matter : electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Weak Irradiation Effect on the Inversion-Recovery Process of a ^C-^1H Spin System. : II. Nonselective Inversion
- Probe Dynamics of Chloroform in a Smectic Liquid Crystal. I. ^C and ^1H NMR Relaxation
- Selective Inversion of Spin-Tickling Spectra in a ^C-^1H Spin System
- Weak Irradiation Effect on the Inversion-Recovery Process of a ^C-^1H Spin System. I. Selective Inversion
- Probe Dynamics of Chloroform in a Smectic Liquid Crystal II. Roto-Translational Motion of the Probe
- Variational Theory for Two-Impurity Anderson Model : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Correlation Effects on Optical Conductivity of FeSi
- Proximity Effect on the Magnetic Dipolar Interaction near the Interface between a Superconductor and an Insulator : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Anomalous Behavior in Temperature Dependence of Pyroelectric Polarization and Magnetoelectric Polarization of Magnetite below 60 K