Department Of Food And Nutrition Sugiyama Jogakuen University | 論文
- Elevated Urinary Cr Loss Induces a Reduction in Renal Cr Concentration and the Negative Cr Balance in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice
- テトラヒドロ-β-カルボリン誘導体からの黄色色素の生成に及ぼすpH,金属及びアスコルビン酸の影響
- 塩漬け大根中のβ-カルボリン骨格を有する黄色色素の生成とその性質
- 低水文系食品の焙焼過程における加熱反応生成物に及ぼす種々のアミノ酸の影響について
- 低水分系におけるタンパク質と糖の加熱香気成分について(食品-化学(香気, 変異原-)
- クッキ-調製における原材料配合条件の相違による加熱反応生成物について
- Cold pain prolongs gastric emptying of liquid but not solid meal : an electrical impedance tomography (EIT) study
- An anterior urethral stitch improves urinary incontinence following radical prostatectomy
- The Production of Linoleic and Linolenic Acid Hydroperoxides during Mashing
- Modification by Exercise Training of Activity and Enzyme Expression of Hepatic Branched-Chain α-Ketoacid Dehydrogenase Complex in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats
- Suppression of Glycogen Consumption during Acute Exercise by Dietary Branched-chain Amino Acids in Rats
- Prunusols A and B, Novel Antioxidative Tocopherol Derivatives Isolated from the Leaf Wax of Prunus grayana Maxim.(Organic Chemistry)
- Coexistence of renal replacement lipomatosis with xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
- New Potent Antioxidative Hydroxyflavanones Produced with Aspergillus saitoi from Flavanone Glycoside in Citrus Fruit(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Inhibitory Effect of Histamine H_3-Receptor Antagonist Cimetidine against Copper(II)/Ascorbate-mediated Protein Damage(Food & Nutrition)
- Stimulation of Iron/Ascorbate-dependent Lipid Peroxidation by Histamine(Food & Nutrition)
- Allium cepa(タマネギ)摩砕物中の血小板凝集阻害活性物質について(有機化学・天然化学-生理活性物質(動物・その他)-)
- Dietary Tocotrienol Reduces UVB-Induced Skin Damage and Sesamin Enhances Tocotrienol Effects in Hairless Mice
- Improved Swimming Pool Achieves Higher Reproducibility and Sensitivity to Effect of Food Components as Ergogenic Aids
- Absorption and Excretion of the 8-Hydroxydaidzein in Rats after Oral Administration and Its Antioxidant Effect