Suppression of Glycogen Consumption during Acute Exercise by Dietary Branched-chain Amino Acids in Rats
- 論文の詳細を見る
- University of Tokyo Pressの論文
- 2000-04-01
Sato Yuzo
Department of Health Science, Faculty of Psychological and Physical Science, Aichi Gakuin University
KATO Tetsuya
Department of Physics,Faculty of Science,Tokyo Institute of Technology
Department of Applied Molecular Biosciences, Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya Uni
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology Graduate School of E
Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University
Sato Y
Department Of Health Science Faculty Of Psychological And Physical Science Aichi Gakuin University
Sato Y
Research Center Of Health Physical Fitness And Sports Nagoya University
Sato Y
Nihon Univ. School Of Medicine Tokyo Jpn
Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University
Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports, Nagoya University
Kato Tetsuya
Central Laboratory Lotte Co. Ltd.
Murakami Taro
Department Of Bioscience Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Aichi Medical Institutes
Xu Ming
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
Xu Ming
Research Institute For Molecular Pharmacology And Therapeutics Central South University:department O
Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness, and Sports, Nagoya University
LI Zhihao
Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness, and Sports, Nagoya University
Chukyo Junior College
Department of Bioscience, Nagoya Institute of Technology
TANAKA Kazunori
Nissin Central Research Institute, Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd.
SATO Manabu
Nissin Central Research Institute, Nissin Food Products Co., Ltd.
Shimomura Y
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology Graduate School Of En
Shimomura Yoshiharu
Laboratory Of Nutritional Biochemistry Department Of Bioscience Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Obayashi M
Nagoya Univ.
Obayashi Mariko
Department Of Food And Nutrition Sugiyama Jogakuen University
Fujitsuka Noriaki
Department Of Bioscience Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Nakai N
Nagoya Inst. Technol. Nagoya‐shi Jpn
Nakai Naoya
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Mie University
Sato Yoshihiko
Department Of Aging Medicine And Geriatrics Shinshu University School Of Medicine
Nagasaki Masaru
Department Of Health Science Faculty Of Psychological And Physical Science Aichi Gakuin University
Nagasaki Masaru
Research Center Of Health Physical Fitness And Sports Nagoya University
Xu Ming
Tanaka K
Laboratory Of Animal Science Kyoto Prefectural University
Nakai Naoya
Research Center Of Health Physical Fitness And Sports Nagoya University
Shimomura Y
Nagoya Inst. Technol. Nagoya‐shi Jpn
Sato Yuzo
Research Center Of Health Physical Fitness And Sports Department Of Sports Medicine Graduate School
Kato Tetsuya
Department Of Information Science And Engineering Shibaura Institute Of Technology
Tanaka Kazunori
Nissin Central Research Institute Nissin Food Products Co. Ltd.
Sato Manabu
Nissin Central Research Institute Nissin Food Products Co. Ltd.
Yamada S
Institute For Molecular And Cellular Regulation Gunma University
Kato Tetsuya
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Dokkyo University School of Medicine
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