Central Research laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. | 論文
- A Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Magnetometer with a Room-Temperature Pickup Coil for Measuring Impedance Magnetocardiograms
- Simplified Magnetically Shielded Cylinder Using Flexible Magnetic Sheets for High-T_c Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Magnetocardiogram Systems(Superconductors)
- Deterministic Built-in Test with Neighborhood Pattern Generator
- High expression of ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase-L1 and -L3 mRNA predicts early recurrence in patients with invasive breast cancer
- Electrostatic Force Imaging by Tunneling Acoustic Microsopy
- Tunneling Acoustic Microscope
- Advanced Head Disk Interface System Assisted by Gas PFPE Lubrication
- Noninvasive Diagnosis of Arrhythmic Foci by Using Magnetocardiograms : Method and Accuracy of Magneto-Anatomical Mapping System
- A Dual-Mode Bluetooth Transceiver with a Two-Point-Modulated Polar-Loop Transmitter and a Frequency-Offset-Compensated Receiver(Circuit Theory)
- Low Supply Voltage and Low-Power 1-GHz PLL Frequency Synthesizer for Mobile Terminals(Regular Section)
- A 0.7-V 200-MHz Self-Calibration PLL(Special Issue on High-Performance Analog Integrated Circuits)
- A CMOS Offset Phase Locked Loop for a GSM Transmitter (Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques and Related Topics)
- A 6-ns 4-Mb CMOS SRAM with Offset-Voltage-Insensitive Current Sense Amplifiers(Special Issue on the 1994 VLSI Circuits Symposium)
- Novel Synthesis of FePt Nanoparticles and Magnetic Properties of Their Self-assembled Superlattices
- Increase by water stress treatment and tissue specific localization of polyamines in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Thermal Extraction Behavior of He and D from He^+-Implanted Yttrium Iron Garnet Annealed in D_2
- Hydrogen Extraction Activation Energy from D^+_2-Implanted Magnetic Bubble Garnet
- Sonic Spray Nebulizer for Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- Observation of Fe-Mn Oxidation Process Using Specimen Transfer Chamber and Ultrahigh-Vacuum Transmission Electron Microscope
- Accelerated Aging Characteristics of InGaAsP/InP Buried Heterostructure Lasers Emitting at 1.3μm