ATR Adaptive Communications Research Laboratories | 論文
- Lateral Tunneling Devices on GaAs (111)A and (311)A Patterned Substrates Grown by MBE Using Only Silicon Dopant
- Large-Area and High-Speed Deposition of Microcrystalline Silicon Film by Inductive Coupled Plasma using Internal Low-Inductance Antenna
- Effects of Antenna Size and Configurations in Large-Area RF Plasma Production with Internal Low-Inductance Antenna Units
- 双曲型ビリアード系における周期軌道と半古典量子化(基研短期研究会「保存力学系カオスにおける古典論と量子論」,研究会報告)
- Location-Aware Power-Efficient Directional MAC Protocol in Ad Hoc Networks Using Directional Antenna(Wireless Communication Technologies)
- A Priority-Based QoS Routing for Multimedia Traffic in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks with Directional Antenna Using a Zone-Reservation Protocol(Ad-hoc Network)(Mobile Multimedia Communications)
- Electrical and optical properties of high-density lateral junction light-emitting diodes array
- Electrical and optical properties of high-density lateral junction light-emitting diodes array
- Electrical and optical properties of high-density lateral junction light-emitting diodes array
- 無線WLANにおける複数リンクの集約システムに関する評価(移動通信ワークショップ)
- Whispering Gallery Mode Lasers
- Vanishing of Negative Differential Resistance Region due to Electric Field Screening in Wannier-Stark Localization Type Self-Electro-Optic Effect Devices
- Valence Band Modulation in InGaAs/InAlAs Superlattices with Tensilely Strained Wells Grown on InGaAs Quasi-Substrate on GaAs
- One-Step Grown Lateral p-n Junctions on GaAs (001) Patterned Substrates with (110) Sidewalls by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
- Spatially Resolved Detection of Electroluminescemce from Lateral p-n unctions on GaAs (111)A Patterned Substrates Using a Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscope
- Self-Assembly of Microstage Using Micro-Origami Technique on GaAs
- Array of Micromachined Components Fabricated Using "Micro-Origami" Method
- Packet Distribution for Communications Using Multiple IEEE802.11 Wireless Interfaces and Its Impact on TCP
- Poincare-Birkhoff Chains in the Critical Regime between Chaos and Torus
- Stagnant Motions in Hamiltonian Systems : Part I. Classical Aspects : New Trends in Chaotic Dynamics of Hamiltonian Systems