京都大學醫學部藥理學教室 | 論文
- 発熱物質に関する研究-2・3-
- Dialkylaminoalkyl基を有する諸種有機酸Ester及びAmide誘導体の薬理-1-
- Aminocyclohexane誘導体の薬理作用-3-
- 一定薬物の作用と副腎中のAdrenalin及びNoradrenalinの産生について
- Adrenalin及びAcetylcholinの血管作用に就て
- Digitoxine製剤の効価検定に於けるGitoxineの意義について
- 諸種AIKvIresorcinolの毒性比較〔第1報〕
- Studies on the algesimetric methods of drugs
- Action of sympathomimetic amines
- Curare-like actions of quaternary bases on the frog's rectus abdominis and the mode of antagonistic action of vagostigmin against those of the bases
- タイトル無し
- The influence of autonomic drugs upon the pain reflex inhibitory action of morphine
- Comparative studies on the curarimimeitc action of aromatic glucosides
- Studies of pyrogens (4)
- The effect of some drugs on the conduction velocity, in toad heart muscle
- Chemical and pharmacological studies on the in vitro cultivated ergot
- Histamin,Acetylcholin及びその他二,三薬物の習慣作用並にこれ等薬物による習慣現象と抗原抗体反応との関連性に就いて
- Histaminと抗Histamin剤の血管作用並に桔抗現象に就て
- Supplemental studies on the action of various autonomic drugs.:Report I. The effects of sympathetic denervation on the response of nictitating membranes and pupils of the cat to autonomic drugs and the peripheral action of the ganglion-blocking agents
- 家兎乳頭筋によるDigitalis剤の検定