Sugiyama Masaru | Department Of Engineering Science Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Sugiyama Masaru
Department Of Engineering Science Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Sugiyama Masaru
Department Of Oral Surgery Division Of Cervico-gnathostomatology Graduate School Of Biomedical Scien
Department of Systems Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
杉山 勝
広島大学歯学部附属病院 口腔再建外科 口腔外科 診療室ii
杉山 勝
杉山 勝
広島大学 大学院 医歯薬総合研究 展開医科学 専攻 顎口腔頸部医科学 講座
Department of Systems Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Mizuno Kouji
Department Of Systems Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
Sugiyama Masaru
Department Of Systems Engineering Nagoya Institute Of Technology
石川 武憲
- Statistical-Thermodynamic Study of Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Three-Dimensional Anharmonic Crystal Lattices : II. Continuum Approximation of the Basic Equations
- Statistical-Themodynamic Study of Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Three-Dimensional Anharmonic Crystal Lattices : I. Microscopic Basic Equations
- Solitary fibrous tumor with malignant potential arising in sublingual gland
- Moenomycin-Resistance Is Associated with Vancomycin-Intermediate Susceptibility in Staphylococcus aureus
- Analysis of Microsatellite Instability and Frameshift Mutation of TGFP Type Ⅱ Receptor Gene in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinomas
- Microscopic Approach to Shock Waves in Crystal Solids. I
- Statistical-Mechanical Study of Ultrasonic Waves in a Crystal Lattice
- Comparison of Genes Expressed in Cell Lines Derived from a Primary Lesion and Metastasized Lymph Nodes of Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma : A Trial Study of Identifying Metastasis-related Genes
- Statistical-Mechanical Study of the Collision between a Crystal Lattice and a Rigid Wall
- Reflection of Nonlinear Waves in Crystal Lattices at Finite Temperatures, and Dynamic Fracture