Ohta Toshie | Radgenomics Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ohno Tatsuya
Ohta Toshie
Radgenomics Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Imai Takashi
Radgenomics Research Group National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Imai Takashi
放射線医学総合研究所フロンティア研究センター 放射線感受性遺伝子プロジェクト
Imai Takashi
University Of Tokyo
Imai Takashi
National Inst. Radiological Sci. Chiba Jpn
Frontier Research Center
Izumi Takashi
Dept. Of Biochem. Gunma Univ. Graduate Sch. Med.
Natl Inst Radiol Sci
Imai Takashi
Dept. Of Biochem. Gunma Univ. Graduate Sch. Med.
- CT-based 3D Dose-Volume Parameter of the Rectum and Late Rectal Complication in Patients with Cervical Cancer Treated with High-Dose-Rate Intracavitary Brachytherapy
- CD44 and Bak Expression in IL-6 or TNF-alpha Gene Knockout Mice After Whole Lung Irradiation
- Radiosensitivity of Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes Obtained from Patients with Cancers of the Breast, Head and Neck or Cervix as Determined with a Micronucleus Assay
- Fractionated Irradiation Augments Inter-Strain Variation of Skin Reactions among Three Strains of Mice
- Strain Dependent Differences in a Histological Study of CD44 and Collagen Fibers with an Expression Analysis of Inflammatory Response-related Genes in Irradiated Murine Lung
- 253 Inter-strain variation of apoptotic index of jejunal crypts between mouse systems after gamma ray whole body irradiation(Apoptosis related, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 69 Inter-strain variation of skin reaction among three strains of mice after fractionated irradiation(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Different Radiation Susceptibility among Five Strains of Mice Detected by a Skin Reaction
- The Effects of Carbon Ion Irradiation Revealed by Excised Perforated Intestines as a Late Morbidity for Uterine Cancer Treatment
- Clinical Results of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy at NIRS