Ogawa Koji | Research Institute For Higher Education Programs Hokkaido Tokai University
Ogawa Koji
Clinical Research Center For Allergy And Rheumatology National Sagamihara Hospital
Ogawa Koji
Research Institute For Higher Education Programs Hokkaido Tokai University
Oka K
Research Institute For Advanced Science And Technology (riast) Osaka Prefecture University
OKA Kunio
Research-Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Osaka Prefecture University
Research-Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, Osaka Prefecture University
Dohmaru T
Research Institute For Advanced Science And Technology Osaka Prefecture University
Dohmaru Takaaki
Research Institute For Advanced Science And Technology Osaka Prefecture University
West R
Department Of Chemistry University Of Wisconsin
WEST Robert
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin
West Robert
- Thermochromism of Polysilanes Bearing Non-Ionic Polar Side Chanins and Some LiCIO_4 Salt^1
- Surface Tension of Polysilanes Having Oxyethelenic Side Chanis
- Electroluminescent Properties of a Novel σ^*-π^* Conjugated Polymer, Poly[1,1-(2,3,4,5-tetraphenylsilole)]
- Enhanced Ultraviolet Emission in Polysilane Light-Emitting Diodes by Inserting a SiO_x Thin Layer
- Polysilane LEDs Emitting Ultraviolet Light at Room Temperature
- Room Temperature Ultraviolet Electroluminescence from Poly(methylphenylsilane)
- A New Cooling-Rate Dependent Thermochromism of Poly(dioctylsilane)
- Photoinduced Degradation of Photoluminescence in Polysilane Films
- Correlation between eosinophilia induced by CD4^+ T cells and bronchial hyper-responsiveness
- Selective suppression of T_h2-mediated airway eosinophil infiltration by low-molecular weight CCR3 antagonists