三浦 甫 | Shizuoka Institute Of Science And Technology
Miura H
Shizuoka Inst. Sci. And Technol. Fukuroi Jpn
三浦 甫
Shizuoka Institute Of Science And Technology
Miura Hajime
Shizuoka Institute Of Science And Technology
Miura Hajime
Electrotechnical Laboratory
竹島 久志
竹島 久志
藤森 威
Electrotechnical Laboratory
藤森 威
鈴木 陽一
曽根 敏夫
Research Institute Of Electrical Communication Tohoku University
- Loudness and noisiness of a repeated impact sound : Results of round robin tests in Japan(II)
- Evaluation of the loudness of impulsive sounds using sound exposure level based on the results of a round robin test in Japan
- Equal-loudness level contours for pure tone under free field listening conditions (I) : Some data and considerations on experimental conditions
- 自由音場における純音の最小可聴値
- A Characterization of Ultrasonic Power Spectrum by Fractal Analysis : Imaging by Fractal Dimension : Medical Ultrasonics
- An Estimation of Randomness of Scattering Media by Power Spectrum of Ultrasonic Scattering Wave : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- 恒常法による等ラウドネスレベルの測定 : 自由音場における純音の等ラウドネスレベル曲線(II)
- 自由音場における純音の最小可聴値
- 等ラウドネスレベル曲線の見なおしについて (音響分野における計測法を巡って)
- 音響計測用ミニコンピュ-タシステム (音響精密計測特集-2-コンピュ-タ利用計測システム)