Tani T | Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ. Toyama Jpn
Tani T
Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Univ. Toyama Jpn
TANI Tadato
谿 忠人
Tani Tadato
Department Of Kampo Pharmaceutics Institute Of Natural Medicine University Of Toyama:21^<st> C
Tani Tadato
Department Of Kampo-pharmaceutics Institute Of Natural Medicine University Of Toyama
Tani Tadato
Department Of Pharmacognosy Institute Of Natural Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Universi
谿 忠人
富山大学和漢医薬学総合研究所 和漢薬製剤開発部門
谿 忠人
Tani Tadato
Department Of Kampo Pharmaceutics Institute Of Natural Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Un
谿 忠人
- [総合討論]:(日本における漢方薬の現況と将来への展望)
- G-056(30) Th1/Th2 バランスに及ぼす新しい和漢薬製剤(富山オリジナルブランド)の効果
- Brief survey of Glycyrrhiza plant resources in Xinjiang, China
- Growth and glycyrrhizin contents in Glycyrrhiza uralensis roots cultivated for four years in eastern Nei-Meng-gu of China
- Evaluation of glycyrrhizin variation in Gancao collected from 1986 to 2000 at drug markets in Japan and discrimination of Daitou-Gancao and Dongbei-Gancao
- Anti-diarrheal effects of wood creosote pill preparation compounded with four crude drugs on castor oil-induced diarrhea in rats and the role of crude drugs in the expression of the efficacy
- Orengedokuto inhibits neointimal formation, proliferation and migration of rat vascular smooth muscle cells in vivo and in vitro
- A new formulation containing eleven crude drugs devised by the cooperative research project in Toyama
- M-099(30) 生薬の組み合わせ(薬対)から『金匱要略』の用薬規範を探る
- P-23 生薬の使用頻度, 帰経論から『傷寒論』の用薬規範を探る