Legeros Racquel | Department Of Biomaterials And Biomimetics New York University College Of Dentistry
Legeros Racquel
Department Of Biomaterials And Biomimetics New York University College Of Dentistry
Legeros Racquel
日本大学松戸歯学部 組織・発生・解剖学講座
Legeros Racquel
Department Of Biomaterials And Biomimetics College Of Dentistry New York University
Sakae Toshiro
Department of Anatomy, Nihon University School of Dentistry at Matsudo
Sakae Toshiro
日本大学松戸歯学部 組織発生解剖学
Sakai Takeshi
Inst. Of Mineralogy Petrology And Economic Geology Graduate School Of Sci. Tohoku Univ.
Sakae Toshiro
Department Of Anatomy Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Sakae Toshiro
Department Of Anatomy Ii Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
Tanaka Shigeo
Department Of Anatomy Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
- Fluoride Supplement Affects Bone Mineralization in Young Rats
- An Unusually Large Submandibular Salivary Calculus: Case Report and Structural Analysis
- Comparison of Bone Mineral Density and Area of Newly Formed Bone Around Ti-15%Zr-4%Nb-4%Ta Alloy and Ti-6%Al-4%V Alloy Implants
- In Vivo Effect of Fluoride-substituted Apatite on Rat Bone
- Effect of Magnesium, Strontium or Fluoride Ions on in vitro Activities of Odontoblast-like Cells (MDPC-23)
- Qualitative study of the New Bone formation Surrounding the Ti-implant by FTIR and Polarizing Microscope
- Observation of Newly Formed Bone Around Implants Using Parametric X-ray
- Intermittent Crystal Growth of Unusually Long Submandibular Sialolith Revealed by Micro-Focus-and Selected-Area-X-Ray Diffraction
- Changes in Bone Quality Associated with the Mineralization of New Bone Formed Around Implant : Using XPS, Polarized Microscopy, and FTIR imaging