社団法人 日本実験動物学会 | 論文
- In Vitro Manipulation of Nonhuman Primate Gametes for Embryo Production and Embryo Transfer
- Age-Related Changes in Visual Function and Visual Organs of Rats
- Study on Histamine Related Enzyme Activities during Murine Hair Cycle
- Biphasic Hypothermia in Mice Infected with a Parasitic Nematode, Trichinella spiralis
- A New Method of Inhalation Anesthesia with Nasopharyngeal Insufflation in Rat Experiment
- The Effect of High Temperature on Alveolar Macrophage Counts in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid of F344 Rats
- 免疫不全および免疫正常マウスに対するPasteurella pneumotropicaの病原性
- Establishment of a Rabbit Model of Superior Vena Cava Obstruction
- Arrest of Spermatogenesis at the Early Meiotic Stage in the Small Testis Mutant (Smt) Mice
- 小型精巣突然変異マウス(Smt)の精子形成異常及び小型精巣に関与するQTLsの検出
- Hair Growth and Skin in the Kinky-Coat (kc) Musk, Shrew, Suncus murinus
- Slip-down from a Raised Platform : Another Behavior of Slc : ddY Mice Treated with Methamphetamine
- Serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT)欠損マウス-Sptlc2コンディショナルノックアウトマウス-に認められた病変の形成過程に関する検索
- Age-Related Changes in Antioxidant Enzyme-Activities in the Small Intestine and Liver form Wistar Rats
- Influence of Age on Duodenal Brush Border Membrane and Specific Activites of Brush Border Membrane Enzymes in Wister Rats
- Validity of NRC Method for Estimating Metabolizable Energy Value of Laboratory Dry Canine Diets
- Changes of Heart Rate during Sexual Behavior in the Female Rat
- Experimental Adhesion Model : Effect of Viscosities of Fluids Put in the Peritoneal Cavity on Preventing Peritoneal Adhesions
- Pathological Evaluation of Effect of Anti-rheumatic Drugs on Type II Collagen-induced Arthritis in Lewis Rats
- Longitudinal Sections of Seminiferous Tubules: A Simple Technique for Histological Studies