社団法人 日本実験動物学会 | 論文
- Morphological Changes in Hepatic Ito Cells after Parenteral Treatment with Carmellose Sodium in Rats
- Macroscopic Distribution of Coronary Atherosclerotic Lesions in Cholesterol-fed Rabbits
- Changes in Colonic Mucosal Permeability in Mouse Colitis Induced with Dextran Sulfate Sodium
- Histological Analysis of Murine Colitis Induced by Dextran Sulfate Sodium of Different Molecular Weights
- Findings of Somatosensory Evoked Potential to Stimulation of the Sciatic Nerve in Two Different Rat Strains
- Ex-Germfree Mice Harboring Intestinal Microbiota Derived from Other Animal Species as an Experimental Model for Ecology and Metabolism of Intestinal Bacteria
- Initial Arthritic Lesions Induced by Immunization with Type II Collagen in Lewis Rats
- Effect of Insulin on In Vitro Development of Tetraploid Mouse Embryos
- ^I Uptake Competing with iodine Absorption by the Thyroid Gland following Povidone-lodine Skin Application
- Sequence Analysis of Major Structural Proteins of Newly Isolated Mouse Hepatitis Virus
- Pulmonary Macrophage Mobilization in Hamsters after Cessation of Smoking
- Electrophysiological Properties of Ventricular Muscle Obtained from Spontaneously Diabetic Mice
- Effectiveness of Indomethacin as an Antitumor Agent in Colon 26-Bearing Conventional and Nude Mice, and Telomerase Activity in the Tumors
- Effects of Phenobarbital on Aniline Metabolism in Primary Liver Cell Culture of Rats with Ethionine-Induced Liver Disorder
- Postrest Contraction in the Ventricular Papillary Muscle of Spontaneously Diabetic WBN/Kob Rat
- Ocular Fundus Abnormalities Detected by Fluorescein and Indocyanine Green Angiography in the Royal College of Surgeons Dystophic Rat
- Development of Genetically Engineered Mice with Hypertension and Hypotension
- 砂ネズミの遺伝性てんかん発作に対するIh阻害剤・CsClおよびZD7288の効果
- Induction of Pseudopregnancy in the Mongolian Gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) by Vaginal Stimulation
- 理研バイオリソースセンター遺伝子材料開発室から提供できる遺伝子材料