一般社団法人 日本脳卒中学会 | 論文
- Feasibility of NIH stroke scale evaluation and telestroke use via an interactive high-vision videoconferencing system
- Follow up CT of the patients who developed mental symptoms after direct operation of ruptured anterior communicating aneurysma
- Recovery of atrophic leg muscles in the hemiplegics due to cerebrovascular accidents. Computed tomographic study.:Computed tomographic study
- Visual field defects in lateral geniculate body infarction.
- Macro- and microscopic imaging of cerebrovascular disease:Introduction
- 虚血性脳血管障害入院後の90日以内の再入院例の検討
- 巨大塞栓子による急性期頚部内頚動脈閉塞症の2症例
- Spontaneous intracerebral bleeding in the elderly: a condition worth treating?
- 非脳卒中診療施設に対するStroke teamによる出張教育と脳卒中の地域連携パスの導入
- Cross-tolerance: Hyperthermia preconditioning induces ischemic tolerance in immature rat brain.
- Control of systemic hypertension in the acute stage of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage and ruptured aneurysm:With special reference to the effectiveness of metoprolol
- Antihypertensive therapy in atherothrombotic stroke survivors with or without reduced acetazolamide reactivity. A long-term prospective study.
- ケアミックス型病院におけるくも膜下出血の診療経験―地域医療におけるケアミックス型病院を再考する―
- Comparison of conservative treatment and surgical treatment for thalamic hemorrhage in 556 cases. Keio Cooperative Stroke Study.
- 回復期リハビリテーション病棟における非弁膜症性心房細動に起因した脳塞栓患者のCHADS2スコアを用いたリスク評価
- CT-negative but MRI-positive subdural hematoma in hyperacute ischemic stroke
- Unruptured cerebral aneurysms.
- A case of cerebral infarction with dissection of the internal carotid and superior mesenteric arteries.
- 治療過程で視床性痴呆を呈した硬膜動静脈瘻の1例
- 動脈硬化プラーク活動性をFDG‐PETで評価しうるか