一般社団法人 日本救急医学会 | 論文
- Cardiac Arrest Witnessed by Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) in Osaka Prefecture.
- Transfusion-related acute lung injury caused by anti-HLA antibody in CRC.
- 胸腔鏡補助下胸管結紮術が奏効した外傷性乳糜胸を伴う多発外傷の1例
- ペースメーカーと干渉してAEDが作動しなかった院外心停止の1症例
- 大学病院における院内救急体制と救急専従医の役割の検証
- 正中弓状靭帯圧迫症候群に伴う膵十二指腸動脈瘤破裂の1例
- 鈍的脾血管損傷に対するmultidetector‐row CTの検出能力
- 目撃のある気道異物による窒息症例50例の検討
- Traumatic stricture of the common bile duct.
- Intramural hematoma of the colon due to blunt trauma.
- 心肺蘇生術に合併した胃破裂の1例
- 鈍的肝損傷を診断するために腹部造影CTを撮影する判断基準としてのAST及びALTのカットオフ値
- An Internal Mammary Artery Perforation As a Complication of Central Venous Catheterization
- Traumatic Hemorrhage of the Spleen Diagnosed by CO2-DSA.
- Study on MRI Findings in Postresuscitation Brains.
- Puffer Fish Poisoning Accompaning Marked Changes in Hemodynamics.
- Changes in protein C activity in severe sepsis.
- A Case of Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy Caused by Hanging
- Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest caused by acute myocardial infarction.
- Usefulness of Colloid Osmotic Pressure (COP) Monitoring in Evaluating the Severity of Critically Ill Patients.