Fe/Tb薄膜におけるFe 2p XPSスペクトルの膜厚及び温度依存性
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Seven Fe-films with a thickness different from one another have been prepared by deposited on clean Tbsurfaces with accuracy of 0.1 nm(Fe(d nm)/Tb(10.0nm) (d=0.2,0.3,0.5,1.0,2.0,5.0,10.0)),and the Fe 2p XPS spectra of the films have been, in situ, measured at about 8K and room temperature. A shift in thebinding energy position of the Fe 2p line is found to depend on the film thickness and the temperature. Theshift at room temperature increases almost monotonously as the film thickness increases in the range of 0.2-2nm,and is nearly the same in the range of 2-10nm. The shift at about 8K,on the other hand,seems to havea composite structure in the range of 0.2-2nm and is the same in the range of 2-10nm. Taking account of aninelastic mean-free-path of about 1.2nm in the Fe film, this implies that the influence of an interface on theelectronic states of the Fe atom as well as the Tb atom in Tb/Fe film and the Sm atom in Sm/Fe extends toabout 0.8nm from the interface at most and that some phase transition would exist between about 8K and roomtemperature. Detailed discussion will be presented elsewhere.
- Fe表面上のSm薄膜におけるSm3dXPSスペクトルの膜厚依存性
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