- 論文の詳細を見る
This aim of this paper is to examine the retail pattern in the inner city of Cardiff City and its retail planning policy. In UK, retailing is controlled by urban policy in development plans published by local authorities. Development plans present a desirable future spatial pattern of retail developments. Local authorities decide whether to allow or refuse planning applications submitted by retailers on the base of their development plans. Cardiff City has two types of development plan. One is the structure plan in 1997 and another is the local plan in 1996. Policies in these development plans aim to sustain and enhance the city centre, district and local centres. And development plans refuse proposals for out-of-centre retail development which cannot be satisfactory located within or adjoining existing centres and would not contribute unacceptable harm to existing centres. In spite of policies sustaining existing centres in development plans, local centres have a high vacancy rates. And there are many out-of-centre large-scale retail stores and smaller retail facilities in the inner Cardiff. Out-of-centre smaller retail and service facilities may offer daily foods and service for neighborhood people and supplement the existing centre network. The newest deposit development plan proposed new centres. Some retail and service facilities which locate next to facilities within boundaries of the new district centre, are excluded from this centre. This means that the areas of centres do not look to be defined on the base of continuum of retail facilities.
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