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本研究は,近年の日本における小売業に関する地理学的研究を流通地理学的研究と都市・農村地理学的研究とに区分し,後者の中で都市地理学的に小売業を扱う研究の動向を概観し,その課題を指摘することを目的とする。この分野では1990年代後半以降にまちづくりの視点を導入した研究が増加したが,都市内小売業の空間構造研究の解明を主目的とする研究は等閑視された。まちづくりと小売業との関係を明瞭にして,新たな枠組で従来の地理学の成果を発展させる必要がある。その例として,小売業というより小売店とそれに関連する都市施設を含めて,新たな視点から小売店を分析する枠組を示すことが考えられる。また,都市地理学的な研究では一部の都市圏・都市のみが対象であり,日本全体の流通構造との関係が不明瞭であった。この点に関しては,流通地理学と都市地理学的小売業の研究の双方からのアプローチが必要であろう。This paper highlightes the major trends and issues of retail geography in Japan. This paper reviews studies on retail geography after the mid-1990s in the following on framework: That is the urban geography focusing on the retail locational studies.In the 1990s, the Japanese government relaxed the restrictions under the Large-scale Retail Stores Act. As a result, many retail areas in built-up areas have decreased, while suburban large retail stores have increased. In 1998, Government established the Large-scale Retail Store Locational Act and the Central District Vitalization Act, and revised the City Planning Act. These three acts constituted the "Three Acts of Machi-zukuri (Urban Development) ".After the middle of 1990s, many geographers have been interested in "Machi-zukuri" and the development process in central district. Most of papers on Machi-zukuri focused on the relationships between the decline of central districts and suburbanization of large-scale stores. After the 1990s, papers on retail areas analyzed the type of stores, the behavior of store owners in retail areas and their environment elements, for example, the retail planning policy, the revitalizing action and others. By researching retail areas in many aspects, we can丘nd the factors sustaining the retail areas and explain the reason why retail area has changed.While there are relatively many studies about the economic effects of the changes in retail areas, there are few studies about social effects of the changes in retail areas. However, most of these studies are not interested in analyzing the urban retail system. Therefore, we do not have precise knowledge about the contemporary retail system in Japanese cities. We need to establish the new framework for analyzing the urban retail system for Japanese cities.
- 2008-12-20
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