Soils and Vegetation Condition of Natural Forests and Secondary Fallow Forests within Batang Ai National Park Boundary, Sarawak, Malaysia
ケンダワン ジョセフ・ジャワ
Sarawak Planted Forest
Joseph Jawa
Forestry Department Sarawak
Tanaka S
Graduate School Of Kuroshio Science Kochi University
Tanaka S
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
Kendawang Joseph
Joseph Jawa
Kendawang Joseph
Forest Department Sarawak
Kendawang Joseph
Forest Dep. Sarawak Mys
Tanaka Sota
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
- Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Glomus aggregatum) influences biotransformation of arsenic in the rhizosphere of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)(Environment)
- マレーシア・サラワク州における荒廃した草地,二次林,択伐林の修復のために植栽された6種のフタバガキ苗の枯死率と成長に光及び土壌環境が与える影響
- 15-4 マレーシア・サラワク州における生態系修復を目指した試験造林 : 草地、Macaranga林、残存林の土壌解析(15.土壌保全)
- 13-8 マレーシア・サラワク州バタンアイ国立公園内の天然性林と二次林土壌の比較(13.土壌生成・分類,2009年度京都大会)
- 31 マレーシア・サラワク州における丘陵地農業の土壌肥沃度評価(第2報) : コショウ畑と油ヤシ園の特徴(関西支部講演会,2007年度各支部会)
- 30 マレーシア・サラワク州における丘陵地農業の土壌肥沃度評価(第1報) : 二次林,ゴム園,コショウ畑の比較(関西支部講演会,2006年度各支部会)
- 20 マレーシア・サラワク州のイバン人による土壌肥沃度評価法に関する土壌科学的解析 : ムジョン川流域における事例(第2報)(関西支部講演会,日本土壌肥料学会 支部講演会講演要旨集 2005年度)
- マレーシア・サラワク州のイバン人による土壌肥沃度評価法に関する土壌科学的解析(関西支部講演会, 日本土壌肥料学会支部講演会講演要旨集2004年度)
- Effect of Burning on Soil Organic Matter Content and N Mineralization under Shifting Cultivation System of Karen People in Northern Thailand
- N Mineralization Process of the Surface Soils under Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand
- Labile Pools of Organic Matter and Microbial Biomass in the Surface Soils under Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand
- Soil Ecological Study on Dynamics of K, Mg, and Ca, and Soil Acidity in Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand
- Ecological Study on the Dynamics of Soil Organic Matter and Its Related Properties in Shifting Cultivation Systems of Northern Thailand
- Physicochemical Properties of the Soils Associated with Shifting Cultivation in Northern Thailand with Special Reference to Factors Determining Soil Fertility
- 2 1998年の大干ばつ期に植裁された苗木の活着率と土壌環境の解析(関西支部講演会)
- Comparative study of AFLP and microsatellite variation in four Dipterocarp species from natural and artificial populations in Sarawak, Malaysia
- Construction of a gene-data bank of tropical rainforest tree species in Sarawak, Malaysia
- 23-13 マレーシア・サラワク州における焼畑生態系の物質循環(第1報) : サバール,バライリンギンにおける実験焼畑(23.地域環境)
- マレーシアサラワク州における焼畑放棄地の土壌特性
- Soil properties of secondary forests under shifting cultivation by the Iban of Sarawak, Malaysia in relation to vegetation condition
- Effects of Shifting Cultivation on Soil Ecosystems in Sarawak, Malaysia. III. Results of Burning Practice and Changes in Soil Organic Matter at Niah and Bakam Experimental Sites (Soil Fertility)
- Soil Characteristics under Three Vegetation Types Associated with Shifting Cultivation in a Mixed Dipterocarp Forest in Sarawak, Malaysia (Soil Genesis, Classification and Survey)
- Effects of Shifting Cultivation on Soil Ecosystems in Sarawak, Malaysia : I. Slash and Burning at Balai Ringin and Sabal Experimental Sites and Effect on Soil Organic Matter(Soil Fertility)
- Effects of resource plant size on rooting of Dryobalanops lanceolata cuttings
- 8-3 肥効調節型肥料を利用したフタバガキ苗の育成技術の検討 : 外生菌根着生への施肥の効果(8.共生)
- 14-5 マレーシア・サラワク州における生態系修復のための植林(14.土地分類利用・景域評価)
- 土壌硬度と土性からみたマレーシア・サラワク州ランビル国立公園の土壌の分布と特徴
- Effects of Ectomycorrhizal Inoculation on Shorea macrophylla Seedlings Using Mycorrhizal Trees
- Soil nutrient status under upland farming practice in the Lower Northern Thailand
- Can Shifting Cultivation on Acid Soils in the Southeast Asia Be Sustainable in the Future? A Case Study in Northern Laos
- 41 Comparisons of the nutrient condition under Imperata cylindrica and Dicranopteris linearis fallow lands after shifting cultivation
- Vegetation conditions and soil fertility of fallow lands under intensified shifting cultivation systems in Sarawak, Malaysia
- Ecological study on site selection for shifting cultivation by the Iban of Sarawak, Malaysia : A case study in the Mujong River area
- Effects of burning strength in shifting cultivation on the early stage of secondary succession in Sarawak, Malaysia
- 14-3 Site Selection for shifting cultivation by the Iban of Sarawak, Malaysia A case study on the Iban communities in Lubok Antu region
- Effects of Shifting Cultivation on Soil Ecosystems in Sarawak, Malaysia : IV. Chemical Properties of the Soils and Runoff Water at Niah and Bakam Experimental Sites (Soil Fertility)
- Difference of rice farming practices of the Iban in a national boundary area in Borneo and its socio-economic background
- Effects of Shifting Cultivation on Soil Ecosystems in Sarawak, Malaysia : II. Changes in Soil Chemical Properties and Runoff Water at Balai Ringin and Sabal Experimental Sites(Soil Fertility)
- Leaf physiological and morphological responses of seven dipterocarp seedlings to degraded forest environments in Sarawak, Malaysia : A case study of forest rehabilitation practice
- Performance of Pot-Grown Seedlings of the Dipterocarp Dryobalanops lanceolata with Controlled-Release Fertilizer after Transplantation to the Shifting Cultivation Land in Sarawak, Malaysia (Fertilizers and Soil Amendments)
- Effects of Controlled-Release Fertilizer on Growth and Ectomycorrhizal Colonization of Pot-Grown Seedlings of the Dipterocarp Dryobalanops lanceolata in a Tropical Nursery(Fertilizers and Soil Amendments)
- Properties and Metabolic Diversity of Microbial Communities in Soils Treated with Steam Sterilization Compared with Methyl Bromide and Chloropicrin Fumigations (Soil Biology)
- Potential for the alleviation of arsenic toxicity in paddy rice using amorphous iron-(hydr)oxide amendments(Fertilizers and Soil Amendments)
- Effects of methyl bromide fumigation, chloropicrin fumigation and steam sterilization on soil nitrogen dynamics and microbial properties in a pot culture experiment(Soil Biology)
- 22-25 Distribution of Metals and Metalloids in Soils around Tin and Tungsten Mines in Vietnam
- 5 Chemical forms of arsenic in the rhizosphere soil of rice irrigated with arsenic contaminated water
- 6-3 Arbuscular mycorrhiza and phosohorus application alleviate arsenic toxicity of sunflower
- Influence of Chelating Agent Addition on Copper Distribution and Microbial Activity in Soil and Copper Uptake by Brown Mustard (Brassica juncea) (Environment)
- 10 Effect of steam sterilization on soil nitrogen dynamics in relation to the timing of organic compost application
- Characteristics of Ultisols Differing in Wildfire History in South Sumatra, Indonesia II. Dynamics of Chemical Properties
- Characteristics of Ultisols Differing in Wildfire History in South Sumatra, Indonesia : II. Dynamics of Chemical Properties (Environment)
- 24 マレーシア・サラワク州エンカリ川流域のイバン人の農業と土壌肥沃度(関西支部講演会,2009年度各支部会)
- Allometric equations for accurate estimation of above-ground biomass in logged-over tropical rainforests in Sarawak, Malaysia
- Soil Characteristics of Lowland Rice Fields along Topographical Positions in an Intermountain Basin of Northern Laos
- Soil Fertility and Rice Productivity in an Intermountain Basin of Northern Laos
- Soils and Vegetation Condition of Natural Forests and Secondary Fallow Forests within Batang Ai National Park Boundary, Sarawak, Malaysia
- Soil Characteristics under Rehabilitation of Degraded Forestland in Perak, Peninsular Malaysia
- Ultisols under upland farming practices in Lower Northern Thailand with special reference to long-term productivity