- 広島湾におけるマガキ種苗に及ぼす魚類の捕食の影響
- 広島県沿岸域におけるアサリの資源特性と生息環境
- Renewal of Genetic Composition of a Lancelet, Branchiostoma belcheri, in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan(Ecology)
- Variations in Body Size of the Lancelet Branchiostoma belcheri at Different Depths in the Seto Inland Sea : Effect of Food Supply on the Growth Rate(Ecology)
- Genetical Relationships among Some Populations of a Lancelet, Branchiostoma belcheri, in the Western Japan
- Growth and Age Structure of the Lancelet Branchiostoma belcheri in the Seto Inland Sea, in Relation to Water Temperature
- Paralytic and Digestive Activities of Jelly-like Substances Secreted by a Lysaretid Polychaete, Halla okudai
- Growth of Bivalve-Feeder Halla okudai (Polychaeta:Lysaretidae) under Wild and Rearing Conditions, in Relation to Species and Abundance of Prey Organisms
- 海底泥のエネルギー量の測定法について
- 肉食性多毛類アカムシ Halla okudai の成長に及ぼす餌サイズの影響
- 広島湾干潟におけるアカムシ(多毛綱,ビクイソメ科)の生態分布
- 飼育条件下での多毛類アカムシ Halla okudai の捕食行動
- 貝類補食者アカムシHalla okudai(多毛綱)の餌選択性について
- Interaction between searching cost and growth of the bivalvefeeder Halla okudai under rearing conditions, in relation to prey size
- 広島県三津湾における放流アサリの生残に及ぼす被覆網の効果
- カキ筏の付着動物に対する鋼線被覆素材各種の防汚特性比較
- Interaction between handling cost and growth of the bivalve-feeder Halla okudai under rearing conditions, in relation to prey species
- Temporal and spatial dynamics of a lower-intertidal lancelet population in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan
- 広島湾における天然クロダイの筋肉成分の季節変化
- 広島県三津湾における放流アサリの生残に及ぼす被覆網の効果
- 西日本における釣り餌として流通される水生動物の現状