Temperature Distribution in Circular Space Reconstructed from Sampling Data at Unequal Intervals in Small Numbers Using Acoustic Computerized Tomography (A-CT)
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The propagation velocity of sound is often used to measure temperature. The sound probe has the advantage of non-contact sensing and quick response. By combining a sound probe with computerized tomography (CT) and data interpolation, an image of temperature distribution through space can be reconstructed. We have proposed a method for measuring the temperature distribution in two-dimensional space using an acoustic CT (A-CT) method with a very small number of acoustic transducers. The measured object is a circular space with a radius of 1,480 mm. Sixteen transducers are installed on the circular stage. Without a mechanical motion, projection data for the reconstruction is acquired by electronic scanning. We reconstruct the temperature distribution by interpolation from a small number of data set. Electrical heaters create a temperature gradient in space. The temperature profile is measured by 19 thermocouples and used for a computer simulation. Experimentally reconstructed images are in agreement with the simulated images. The measurement system proposed in this paper has advantages for use in atmospheric monitoring, air conditioning and heat management.
- 2000-05-30
Nagai Keinosuke
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Yokoyama Tomoki
Department Of Applied Physics National Defense Academy
Funakoshi Akira
Institute Of Engineering Mechanics And Systems University Of Tsukuba
Mizutani Koichi
Institute Of Applied Physics University Of Tsukuba
Nagai Keinosuke
Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba-Science City 305-8573, Japan
Harakawa Ken'ichi
Research and Development Institute, Takenaka Corporation, Inzai 270-1395, Japan
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