- 論文の詳細を見る
The human maxillary cancer cell line, MMSI-1, was established from the xenograft which was implanted in nude mice and had been maintained for more than five years. Its characteristics were examined, MMSI-1 showed stable growth and the population doubling time was 1.9 days. Intravenous injection of MMSI-1 tumor cells produced lung metastases in nude mice. Southern blot hybridization showed seven-fold c-myc amplification; there was no overexpression of N-myc, erb B and erb B2. The lysate of MMSI-1 cells shortened the plasma recalcification time, but no thromboplastic activity was found in this lysate.<BR>There has been no previous report on human head and neck cell lines w h ich can metastasize to the lung by intravenous inoculation of cancer cells. Therefore, the most conspicuous property of MMSI-1 seemed to be its metastasizing ability.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
- 気管処置用気管支鏡の使用経験
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- 髄外性形質細胞腫の5症例
- 気道熱傷の 1 例
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- 上顎洞腫瘍 (悪性腫瘍のレントゲン図譜)
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- Seven cases of carcinoma of the external auditory canal.
- Six cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the middle ear.
- 頸部腫瘤の臨床的検討
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- Nine patients with congenital ossicular anomalies without malformation of the external auditory canal.
- Tuberculosis of the Upper Respiratory Tract.
- A Method of Skull Base Dissection for T4 Cases of Carcinoma of the Maxillary Sinus.
- 喉頭軟骨肉腫の一症例
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