The Results and the Limitation of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for AVM
- 論文の詳細を見る
We report the results of gamma knife radiosurgery for intracerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVM) in our hospital.<BR>One hundred sixty patients with AVM treated by gamma knife have been followed up by angiography over the past 3 years. The complete occlusion rates of AVM were analyzed by the size and location of AVM and the peripheral dose of the nidus. We also report the side effects, rebleeding and re-treatment cases.<BR>Over all complete occlusion rates were 44% at 1 year, 76% at 2 year and 86% at 3 years after treatment. Regarding the size, the occlusion rate in the group where the diameter of the nidus was within 2 cm was higher than in the group with AVM-diameter greater than 2 cm. Regarding the location, the occlusion rate in the brain stem group was less than that in the other group. Regarding the peripheral dose, the occlusion rate in the group receiving a dose of 20 Gy or more was higher than in the group with a dose less than 20 Gy. As the side effects of gamma radiosurgery, there were 4 cases of radiation necrosis (1.3%) and only 7 rebleedings (2.3%). Eleven cases had re-treatment 3 years after the first radiosurgery. The complete occlusion rates were high in the small-size group (less than 2 cm), when AVM was not located in the brain stem, and when the dose was higher than 20 Gy.
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- The Results and the Limitation of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for AVM