Comparison of the L-Glutamate Level in Mouse Hippocampal Slices under Tetraethylammonium Chloride Stimulation as Measured with a Glass Capillary Sensor and a Patch Sensor
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The concentration level of <font size=-2>L</font>-glutamate released from the region CA1 of mouse hippocampal slices under tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA) stimulation was measured by two independent methods, i.e., a glass capillary-based enzyme sensor and a patch sensor, and compared with each other for different slice preparations. In a submerged slice preparation, the sensors were positioned in bath solutions several tens µm above CA1, respectively. The sensors exhibited almost the same level of extra-slice <font size=-2>L</font>-glutamate concentration. When a capillary sensor was implanted in region CA1 at a depth of approximately 10 µm, the TEA-induced <font size=-2>L</font>-glutamate release pattern was very similar to those observed with the capillary sensor in a bath use. The concentration level of intra-slice (extracellular) <font size=-2>L</font>-glutamate was found to be in the range from 6 to 10 µM, which was significantly larger than that of the extra-slice one. These results demonstrate that L-glutamate released from each neuronal region inevitably diffuses out of the slices, and the extra-slice <font size=-2>L</font>-glutamate level reflects the extracellular one.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
社団法人日本分析化学会 | 論文
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