Training of Tooth Scaling by Simulator (Training of Correct Scaling Motion):Training of Correct Scaling Motion
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Dental hygienists are requested to gain skills of dental calculus removal, or tooth scaling. In the previous paper, the authors described development of virtual tooth scaling system and its effectiveness to the skill training. In the paper, the effectiveness was evaluated by the number of artificial calculus removed from a tooth model. However, correct scaling motion has not been evaluated yet. In this paper, for effective training of the motion, two kinds of VR training system are compared with the paint removing method which is adopted conventionally in dental hygienist training schools. One of the VR systems is the one using a HMD as a visual display device. The other is the one using a CRT. As the result, from experiments by apprentice hygienists, it has been clarified that both VR systems are more effective than the conventional method, and the system using HMD is better than the other. This result means that removal force display, and conformity of visual and haptic spaces are important for effective training.
- 一般社団法人 日本機械学会の論文
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