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This paper describes a vibration analysis system for the examination of the vibration transmitted from the road to the human body in a bicycle with two infant seats. To examine vibrations experienced by a rider and two infants, a vibration model on a bicycle-rider-two infants system and a simulation system were designed. The vibration characteristics of the analytical results were compared with these of measurement results. Effects of the centroid of the bicycle on the occupants were investigated. This investigation indicated that the analytical results corresponded with the measurement results for the rider and the infants. RMS (root-mean-square) values of the acceleration increased for the front infant and the maximum values of the acceleration decreased for the front infant when the centroid of the bicycle was moved to the front. Both RMS values and the maximum values of acceleration for the rear infant increased when the centroid of the bicycle was moved to the front. On the other hand, both RMS values and the maximum values of acceleration for the rider increased when the centroid of the bicycle was moved to the rear. From these results, the relationship between the centroid of the bicycle and the transient response of the occupants was clarified by using the simulation system. Therefore, it was shown that the simulation system could be used as a tool to examine vibrations in a rider and two infants.
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