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Non-invasive measurement of the arterial pulse wave can be carried out by means of an optical sensor placed at the center of the artery. In our previous study, we suggested an artery searching method on the basis of this inversion phenomenon that a dicrotic wave and a percussion wave of reflection photoplethysmography (PPG) with wavelength 530 nm and 810 nm were turned over at moving the reflection-type optical sensors on the inner side of the wrist. However, the contact state of optical sensors at the detection of arteries and accuracy validation of an artery searching method are not clarified. The purpose of the present study is to investigate the suitable measurement conditions of optical sensors for an artery searching method and to elucidate on the accuracy of this method. In this study, we investigate the suitable measurement conditions of optical sensors by measuring the pulse wave by using the reflection-type optical sensor and by numerical analysis of light propagation and examined an artery searching method by the measurement in the wrists of 5 subjects. Our results indicate that a no pressure should be exerted at a wavelength of 530 nm. On the contrary, pressure should be exerted at a wavelength of 810 nm in order to obtain more accurate the detection of arteries. From the measurement of 5 subjects, the accuracy of our proposed method is 0.78 mm at these measurement condition. In conclusion, we propose that reflection PPG at wavelengths 530 nm and 810 nm can be performed for an artery searching method.
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