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A reaction rate in a planar liquid jet with a second-order chemical reaction A+B→R is experimentally investigated. The jet flow contains the reactant A and the ambient flow contains the reactant B. The concentrations of reactive species are simultaneously measured by using the optical fiber probe based on the light absorption spectrometric method. The measurement result of mean reaction rate shows that the chemical reaction mainly occurs near the jet centerline in the upstream region, and the mean reaction rate is small in the downstream region. In the upstream region, lateral profiles of concentration correlation of reactants A and B have two local minimum values located away from the jet centerline, whereas the local minimum value of concentration correlation in the downstream region is located on the jet centerline. Comparison of concentration correlation of species A and B between the reactive and non-reactive cases shows that the chemical reaction makes the concentration correlation large near the edge of jet in the upstream region, whereas the opposite effect of chemical reaction on the concentration correlation can be seen in the other region. The concentration correlation of reactants A and B are estimated by using the Toor's hypothesis or the 3E model. The results show that the concentration correlation of reactants A and B estimated by using the Toor's hypothesis is smaller in magnitude than the experimental values, and the 3E model also fails to accurately estimate the concentration correlation.
- 一般社団法人 日本機械学会の論文
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