S054071 二次元噴流の速度三成分・静圧同時計測([S05407]噴流,後流,およびはく離流れの基礎と応用:最前線(7))
- 論文の詳細を見る
The simultaneous measurement of instantaneous three velocity components and static pressure in a two dimensional turbulent jet is performed by using a newly devised combined probe which consist of two X-type hot-wire probes and a static pressure probe that is placed at the center of hot wires. The static pressure tube is miniaturized by using MEMS fabrication technique for the improvement of spatial resolution and the reduction of the velocity measurement error of the X-type hot-wire probes due to the configuration of two hot wires which consist X-type hot-wire probe. The experimental results show that the velocity and pressure are precisely measured by presented probe. It is also shown that the turbulent energy budget which is directly estimated by the measured data is slightly improved than our previous studies in the distributions of the convection and diffusion term. This is caused by the measurement of the three velocity components and the improvement of the measurement accuracy of the hot-wire probe.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2011-09-11
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