Low Serum High-molecular-weight Adiponectin Level Predicts Worsening of Glucose Tolerance in 6-year Longitudinal Study on Non-diabetic Japanese Men
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Objective: Using findings from health check-ups, we investigated longitudinally whether there are any factors influencing the worsening of glucose tolerance in non-diabetic Japanese.Methods: Subjects were taken from among persons undergoing annual health check-ups in both 2004 and 2010, and informed consent was obtained from them. In total, 390 Japanese male and 147 female teachers and other workers of 25-60 years of age at baseline were enrolled in this study. Subjects diagnosed as having diabetes mellitus (DM) at baseline were excluded. Height, weight, blood pressure, fasting plasma glucose (FPG), HbA1c, serum lipids, insulin and high-molecular-weight (HMW)-adiponectin levels were measured after an overnight fast. Subjects were divided into 3 groups in 2004 and 2010: DM, Pre-DM and normal glucose tolerance. Serum insulin concentrations were measured by EIA and serum HMW-adiponectin by ELISA.Results: After the 6 years, glucose tolerance had improved in 2 subjects, was unchanged in 347 and worsened in 41 for males, while the figures for females were 0, 133 and 14, respectively. Baseline factors correlating significantly with status [No change = 0 / Worsened = 1] were age, BMI, plasma glucose, TG, LDL-cholesterol, ALT, γ-GTP, HOMA-IR and HMW-adiponectin. No correlations were observed with baseline smoking, alcohol consumption or exercise status. Stepwise multiple regression analysis of [No change / Worsened] as a dependent variable showed that there were significant independent correlations for baseline glucose, HMW-adiponectin (F = 11.5, r' = -0.165) and age in males (P< 0.0001, R2= 0.156).Conclusions: The findings of this 6-year longitudinal study suggested that low baseline HMW-adiponectin, together with baseline glucose level and age, are predictive of worsening glucose tolerance in non-diabetic Japanese men.
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