Karyotype comparison of Indian and Japanese cucumber cultivars by fluorescence in situ hybridization probed with tandem repeat sequences
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In the present study, we provide distribution patterns of tandem repetitive DNA sequences on the chromosomes of two cucumber cultivars from India and Japan by FISH method. Four types of tandem repetitive DNA sequence Type I, Type II, Type III and Type IV were adopted as FISH probes. Probe of Type III repeats hybridized to the centromeric regions, while Type I/II and Type IV were detected in the telomeric region in both cultivars. However, different distribution patterns of the repeats were displayed in two cultivars, for example, Type III signals were not detected on the Chromosome 7 of Indian cucumber cultivar and Chromosome 5 of Japanese cucumber cultivar. Also, metaphase chromosomes of Japanese and Indian cucumber cultivars were identified individually by the FISH analysis. These results clarified that these sequences could be used as cytological markers for discrimination of cucumber chromosomes.
- 財団法人 染色体学会の論文
Zhang Chi
Laboratory Of Beam Technology Nagaoka University Of Technology
Koba Takato
Laboratory Of Genetics And Plant Breeding Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
Kikuchi Shinji
Laboratory Of Genetics And Plant Breeding Graduate School Of Horticulture Chiba University
Zhang Chi
Laboratory of Genetics, Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University
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