Test-Retest Reliability and Criterion-Related Validity of the Implicit Association Test for Measuring Shyness
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This study investigated the test-retest reliability and the criterion-related validity of the Implicit Association Test (IAT [1]) that was developed for measuring shyness among Japanese people. The IAT has been used to measure implicit stereotypes, as well as self-concepts, such as implicit shyness and implicit self-esteem. We administered the shyness IAT and the self-esteem IAT to participants (N =59) on two occasions over a one-week interval (Time 1 and Time 2) and examined the test-retest reliability by correlating shyness IATs between the two time points. We also assessed the criterion-related validity by calculating the correlation between implicit shyness and implicit self-esteem. The results indicated a sufficient positive correlation coefficient between the scores of implicit shyness over the one-week interval (r =.67, p < .01). Moreover, a strong negative correlation coefficient was indicated between implicit shyness and implicit self-esteem (r =-.72, p < .01). These results confirmed the test-retest reliability and the criterion-related validity of the Japanese version of the shyness IAT, which is indicative of the validity of the test for assessing implicit shyness.
- 電子情報通信学会の論文
相川 充
FUJII Tsutomu
Sungshin Women's University
SAWAUMI Takafumi
Center for Research on Educational Testing (CRET)
AIKAWA Atsushi
Center for Research on Educational Testing (CRET)
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