Relationship between Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and Blood Groups
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2-Ethylaminoethanol (EAE) method has widely been used for determination of serum alka-line phosphatase (ALP) activity in Japanese clin-ical laboratory. We have demonstrated that theactivity of ALP changed with levels of both high-molecular mass intestinal alkaline phospha-tase (HIAP) and normal-molecular mass intestin-al alkaline phosphatase (NIAP). We classified the 65 healthy subjects into the two groups of blood group B or O secretors (n=30) and other blood groups (n=35). ALP activity in blood group B or O secretor at fasting and 3 h after fatty meal were 194.2± 54.8 U/I (mean±SD) and 218.3±58.0U/I (mean±SD), respectively, and ALP activity in other blood groups at fast- ing and 3 h after fatty meal were 157.8±40.7U/I (mean±SD) and 162.2±42.5 U/I (mean±SD), respectively. The activity of ALP-(HIAP +NIAP) in blood group B or O secretor at fast-ing and 3 h after fatty meal were approximately the same as those of other blood groups. These results suggest that differences of ALP activity in blood group B or O secretors and other blood groups are closely related to the HIAP and NIAP levels.
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