Anticoagulant therapy for hyper coagulation state
Long-PCR 法を用いた血液凝固第 VIII 因子 遺伝子の逆位解析
プロテイン S 欠乏症
Activated protein C resistance in the Japanese population due to homozygosity for the factor V R2 haplotype
Stress-induced PAI-1 expression is suppressed by pitavastatin in vivo
Definite diagnosis in Japanese patients with protein C deficiency by identification of causative PROC mutations
Mutational analysis of SOS1 gene in acute myeloid leukemia
Identification of amino acid residues responsible for von Willebrand factor binding to sulfatide by charged-to-alanine-scanning mutagenesis
Wilms' tumor 1 message and protein expression in bone marrow failure syndrome and acute leukemia
Mutated RAS Induced PLD1 Gene Expression through Increased Sp1 Trascription Factor
Recurrent Mutations of Factor XI Gene in Japanese
シンポジウム3 血栓症への新しいアフローチ血栓症の分子細胞学的基礎-プロテインC, プロテインS欠損症を例として-
第VIII因子遺伝子逆位解析の重症血友病Aにおける保因者診断, 出生前診断への応用
ジーンターゲティングを用いた血液凝固制御因子の生体における機能解明 : マウスantithrombinの完全欠損による胎児死亡とsyndecan-4欠損による胎盤迷路層胎児血管の変性
Recurrent Intramural Hematoma of the Small Intestine in a Severe Hemophilia A Patient with a High Titer of Factor VIII Inhibitor : A Case Report and Review of the Literature
High Titer of ADAMTS13 Inhibitor Associated with Thrombotic Microangiopathy of the Gut and Skeletal Muscle after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Clinical Trial to Investigate the Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, Safety, and Efficacy of Recombinant Factor VIIa in Japanese Patients With Hemophilia With Inhibitors
教育シンポジウム:がんの遺伝子診断 PCRを用いた遺伝子診断の原理と応用-血友病Bを例にして-
先天性凝固阻止因子欠乏症(antithrombin, protein C, protein S 欠損症)
血栓性素因部会 : 血栓性素因・プロテインS欠乏症/欠損症をめぐる最近の話題
Severe hemophilia A in a Japanese female caused by an F8-intron 22 inversion associated with skewed X chromosome inactivation
Classic Polyarteritis Nodosa Presenting Rare Clinical Manifestations in a Patient with Hemophilia A
AT/DS併用によるエンドトキシン誘発臓器傷害の改善効果 : Antithrombin/danaparoid sodium の抗凝固薬としての位置付け
Identification of the regulatory elements of the human von Willebrand factor for binding to platelet GPIb. Importance of structural integrity of the regions flanked by the CYS1272-CYS1458 disulfide bond
Identification of six novel MYH9 mutations and genotype-phenotype relationships in autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenia with leukocyte inclusions
Identification of plasma antibody epitopes and gene abnormalities in Japanese hemophilia a patients with factor VIII inhibitor
Optimization of the Oxidative Folding Reaction and Disulfide Structure Determination of Multiple-Cystine Peptides
Modifications Associated with Use of the Benzyloxymethyl Group on Histidine
Chemical Synthesis of Human β-Defensin (hBD)-1,2,3 and 4 : Optimization for Folding Reduced hBDs into a Native Conformation
Synthesis and Disulfide Structure Determination of Muscarinic Toxin 3
Synthesis of Amyloid β-Peptides by Employing a Convergent Solid-Phase Approach Performed in a Mixture of Chloroform and Phenol
Synthesis and Disulfide Structure Determination of Kurtoxin, a T-type Calcium Channel Blocker
Synthesis of Prokineticin 2 by Solid-Phase Approach Performed in a Chloroform-Phenol Mixed Solvent
Synthesis of Human Leptin Employing a Combined Solid-Phase and Solution Approach
Optimization of Segment Condensation Reactions of Sparingly Soluble Protected Peptides in Chloroform-Phenol Mixed Solvent
Side Reaction Associated with Use of N^in-Cyclohexyloxy- carbonyl (Hoc) Group for Tryptophans during HF Deprotection
Synthesis of Muscarinic Toxin 1 and 7 Possessing High Specificity for Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptor Subtype
Amino Acid Deletion Products Resulting from Incomplete Deprotecion of the Boc Group during Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis
Synthesis of Amyloid β-Peptides in Solution : Chloroform- Phenol Mixed Solvent Is Essential for Segment Condensation of Sparingly Soluble Protected Peptides
New Powerful Solvent System, A Mixture of Chloroform and Phenol, for Segment Condensation of Sparingly Soluble Protected Petides
Total Synthesis of Aequorea Green Fluorescent Protein
Genetic Abnormalities of Bernard-Soulier Syndrome
Synthesis of Marinostatin, an Ester-Linked Protein Protease Inhibitor from the Marine Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sagamiensis
Suppression of Side Reactions during Final Deprotection Employing a Strong Acid
Virus-Associated Hemophagocytic Syndrome Caused by Pandemic Swine-Origin Influenza A (H1N1) in a Patient After Unrelated Bone Marrow Transplantation
抗Xa薬 (凝固制御) -- (抗凝固薬の新展開)
エストロゲンによるProtein S産生抑制
von Willebrand病に合併した未破裂脳動脈瘤に対してコイル塞栓術を行った1例:症例報告
Anticoagulant therapy for hyper coagulation state
Gene analysis of the congenital thrombophilia –present and future–
エストロゲンによる Protein S 産生抑制