A study on the role of<I>Yogo</I>teachers regarding school safety education : A survey on factors relating to injuries, or accidents of pupils and their life-styles
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the activity of school safety education, main duty of <I>Yogo</I> teachers ( nursing teachers ) is safety administrationsu ch as first aids for injury and safety checks of pupils. There are strongn eeds for preventivea ctivity for accidentsa nd disasters. But now, they have to engaget hemselvesi n not only safetym anagemenbt ut also safety education, becausei tis necessaryt ocope with the physicala nd mentalp roblemso fpupils actively. <I>Yogo</I> teachers are requested to achieve peculiarity of their duty and to maintain function of school health office. We surveyed factorsr elativelyc auses of injuries, a ccidentsa nd life-stylesa mongp upils. This survey couldc ontubutet o verify the management of schoolh ealtho fficeby <I>Yogo</I>t eachersi n activities of schools afety education.<BR>The subjectsare 1,300pupilsa nd their Yoga teachersin elementarys chools and juniorhigh schools and senior high schools. Self-completedq uestionnairem ethodw asu sed in this survey.<BR>The following 3 pointsh ave been clearedf rom the survey<BR>1. Pupilsw ith well-regulatedb ehaviorw ent to bed e arly and got up early refreshingly.<BR>2. Highly“upliftedf eeling”is the importante lementw hich influencesb oth on the good sense of“awaking”a nd the felling of“fatigue”.<BR>3. Considering c opingw ith accidentsor experiences of accidentsp, upils who have experiencedm anyi njuries and goodk nowledgef or preventinga ccidentss eldomm eet with accidents.<BR>Accordingt o the results, <I>Yogo</I> teachersm ustm ake pupilso felementarys choolsa nd junior high schools establish fundamentali fe-style, and promote firm sense of norm, as studentso f senior high schools are greatly affectedb y stressors. Yoga teachers should make much of their mental health problems. For the reasons stated above, the activity of schools afetye ducationi ncludingh ealthc ounselinga ctivityi s greatlyn eeded.
三木 とみ子
西川路 由紀子
原 洋子
根本 陽子
細川 聖子
本村 志磨
広瀬 菜々子
青木 優美子
久保田 みどり
佐藤 好美
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- A study on the role ofYogoteachers regarding school safety education : A survey on factors relating to injuries, or accidents of pupils and their life-styles
- A study on the role ofYogo teachersregarding school safety education:Part 2 The actions ofYogo teachersaccepting children with PTSD